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I will start out with something very positive! I went to get my coffee this morning and the man in front of me paid for it! :) I love when people do nice things like this! I was so excited and it put me in such a great mood! Tomorrow I will do the same thing for the person behind me! Pay it Forward people! Do something nice for a stranger! <3 This nice little gesture helped me have an AMAZING day! Plus look at how pretty it looks outside!
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We did contraction surgery last week! My students loved it! They did such a great job! And you know what...they all understand contractions now! I invited my 2 assistant principals into my room to see it and they loved it too! The one even put on a pair of gloves and mask and performed some surgery with them! Great Activity! If you have not done it I suggest you look it up on Teacher Pays Teacher! Contraction Surgery
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My students made these last week and I just think they turned out so well! Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!
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This past weekend I played in 2 kickball tournaments! A all girls and a coed one. I played 10 games! On the all girls team I play catcher...I caught all day! By the end of the day my legs were killing me from squatting!
This is my ladies team! I love these girls!
This is me! Picking up a ball and running to throw someone out at 1st!
This is my coed team. We are The Fainting Goats. We didn't win but we sure played good!
And our team mascot! A Goat!!
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I will leave you with these two quotes. These sum up my life right about now....
I gave up sweets for lent. So no Donuts or Cupcakes for me! I just thought this was funny! Not sure if I really believe it though! Ha!
This also goes with my life right now.
HI! Your donut quote is fantastic...just had one myself (don't mean to rub it in). I'm in Anchorage where we don't really have any snow...unbelievable...but we don't have palm trees like you so I want to jump into that picture
~Jaime @ The First Grade Bloom
We had our contraction surgery as well this week! It will probably be the kids most favorite day! They had so much fun! I really enjoyed reading about your week.
Teaching is a Royal Adventure