Hello Blogging World! I have not blogged since October! Crazy! So one reason I have not blogged is I have been so busy at school...but to tell you the truth I was actually starting to catch up about a week ago and thought how I was going to have some time to blog...THEN...a whirl-wind literally came and threw my life into pieces. You know when I started this blog I started it to join the teaching world and help promote the products in my store and gain some teaching friends from around the country. I never thought about crazy people using it to spy on me? I was never concerned about writing anything about my relationship or life on here(Not that I ever wrote that much about it). But it turns out some crazy girl (I hope you are reading this and see that I am OK because I am better then you.) who has had it out for me... had been reading it. People who do things to intentionally hurt people really bother me. Especially when they should be worrying about their own lives and their actions. Anyways...enough about that....I am ready to start my blogging again and continue to live my life the way I want to live it.
So on that note...I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching 5 for Friday. Even if its not Friday....better late then never right?! :) So here we go!

Just a little recap on October in my room. We were very busy! We learned about bats, spiders and pumpkins. My students were so excited to learn about everything. They are little sponges...they suck it all up! We participated in the school pumpkin contest. My students voted and created the whole pumpkin on their own. All I did was buy the pumpkin and stick the wings and ears in. We won by the way! Yeah! That is a picture of one of my little girls working on her interactive notebook page on a story from Reading A-Z.

So this month...has been crazy. Not even mentioning my personal life...but school. We had a 3 day week and then another 3 day week. This week coming up will be our first full week of school. CRAZY! Which makes it so hard to plan.
I have not done a lot of creating this month, which is kind of sad. Since last month I sold over 100 products and I was so pumped for this month. But, its OK, life goes on and I will be on top of things for December. :) HoHoHo!
My November Sentence Scrambles is something my students have been using in our writing center. There are 12 different sentences for them to unscramble, write and draw. This has come a center that I create every month, which is nice, my students already know what to do when I put out the new sentences.

Turkey Time is an activity I use with my students in reading groups and have in centers. This version is words with blends. This game helps my students become more fluent readers with words that contain blends. Students pick cards and read words, if students pick up the dinner time card...they have to put all cards back. It can go on forever. Which my students don't seem to mind!
This is our dizzy turkey, that is up on the board in our room. My students each wrote something they knew about turkeys on a post it and then stuck it up on the turkey.
We started place value in the month of November. I made some place value pals to introduce the different place values and my students loved them!
I got to hang out with these two adorable little girls today. They are my favorite dogs...I love when I get to puppy sit! Little Wiener Dogs...too cute!
Someone sent me this today and it made me laugh. However, it is kind of true.
Well until next time!
So sorry for your experience. It is truly sad when someone has to hurt someone else to make themselves feel better. Kuddos to you for moving on! Your class pumpkin is so cute, it is no wonder you won! Love the place value people. Fantastic idea. Have a great week!
Luv My Kinders