We were busy with math centers this week. We are working on counting by tens along with reviewing our addition facts.What better way then with turkeys and and footballs! Fall Favorites!
Gobble Gobble Gobble!
We did some turkey research and finished it up with our informative writing. My students did such a great job on these! We used our tree maps to help up generate sentences about turkeys.
What type of writing program do you use at your school?
We had new fluency sentences to read this week too. They were all fall themed too! Their pointers for this month have been big turkey feathers! They love them!

We also worked on our sentence scrambles! This is a great part of my writing center. I change them up every month.
I went to The Foundation Room at Mandalay Bay Thursday night for some free wine and for this view of the strip. When I am up there, I tend to forget about the rest of the world. Which is a good thing sometimes.
And I will leave you with this....This happens more often in my life then I realize. Sometimes I think it is because I am too nice of a person. Which is a good thing sometimes but sometimes not....I let people walk over me sometimes and take advantage.
Anyone else in the same boat? Or is it just me?
All of your activities look so fun! I love how adorable those turkeys are! It's definitely hard when others take advantage of kindness. Take a deep breath and enjoy your weekend!
Corinna (✿◠‿◠)
Surfin' Through Second